Rustic yet refined, this spring classic unites the familiar flavors of strawberries and rich, buttery pastry. Although this galette needs no embellishment,...
Using Meyer lemons in addition to regular ones gives this curd an intense aromatic flavor. Make it ahead and add the shredded coconut just before using...
Adding the peach skins to the poaching liquid helps to infuse it with flavor and creates a pretty rose-colored sauce. Serve the peaches with your favorite...
Strawberry shortcake never tasted so good-or so nuanced. Heavy cream is steeped with basil then whipped, infusing it with its essence. Cover the cream...
Ground cardamom adds a soothing aroma and unique flavor to this classic crumb-cake recipe from reader Suzanne Shuey of Shippensburg, PA. If you don't like...
Chef Ruth Rogers grates the chilled dough directly into the tart pan, and then presses it into the bottom and sides. This allows for a thinner, lighter...
All you have to do to assemble this "layer cake" is whip some cream and slice some peaches, arrange them on pieces of store-bought pound cake, and then...
Five pastel layers form this colorful creation. You can also use the batter to make four dozen cupcakes or a two- or three-layer cake (bake each layer...
Sunshine-hued cupcakes come into full bloom around a central cake covered in berries that mimic sunflowers' familiar seeds. You'll need about 75 mini cupcakes...
The light and fluffy texture of sponge cake makes it malleable -- ideal for this classic dessert, which gets its name from its trademark shape. Martha...
One slice in, and this tiered pound cake proves it's anything but vanilla. A rich chocolate base, lighter cocoa center, and buttery top make it far more...
Like rice pudding in pie form! A layer of brandy-spiked prunes and raisins takes the creamy rice filling to the next level. Martha made this recipe on...
In the days after Thanksgiving, keep it simple: These turkey potpies combine the supper's surplus with on-hand items for an outstanding Thanksgiving encore...
Earn plenty of brownie points by offering these chewy, gooey treats to the kid's troop or to friends on any festive occasion. What makes them so extra?...
Try dipping your favorite fruits -- we like figs, kumquats, clementine segments, or grapes -- in this crunchy and sweet caramel coating for a show-stopping...
We've taken the guesswork out of making this classic French Macaroons with Toasted Hazelnuts, so you can prepare the dessert at home (for less than 25...
To concentrate the flavor of pumpkin pie, the pumpkin flesh is roasted before being pureed. Fresh whipped cream is a cool counterpoint to the filling's...
That natural sweetness of roasted pears is enhanced by crumbled almond cookies and a dollop of mascarpone -- a rich Italian cream cheese. For a substitute,...